2020 - A Word

I know it's been quite a long time since you heard any news from Temples Divided. Since the current UK lockdown has given me a lot of time at home, I thought now would be a good opportunity to do a little spring cleaning on this site.
I started Temples Divided back in 2016 with the full intention to build an epic empire. It was super amazing working with talented artists and producing some pretty cool products. I took the brand to tattoo conventions around the UK and sold TD tees worldwide. I still remember the first sale I made in Japan - it was the best feeling in the world!
Unfortunately TD wasn't enough for me to live on and during the first couple of years I had to work some pretty gnarly marketing jobs that lead to a job redundancy. I no longer had the financial stability to support TD. So I pretty much let it fizzle out and kind of had a mental block, that's why the brand went quiet.
There may be some hope for TD yet...
Back on my feet and feeling inspired I'm opening up Temples Divided again. I've done an inventory count and updated the website so that you can now purchase items again.
2020 hasn't got off to a good start for any of us, these are uncertain times. So I can't make any promises just yet but I am feeling pretty motivated.
I just want to say a massive thank you for all the support I have had over the years and to everyone who has rocked an item from TD. You are freakin' awesome!
Stay safe!
Sera - Founder of Temples Divided